ITPS Presents our Regulated Relationship Masterclass

Fight "RIGHT"

Stop getting stuck in the most serious & most common arguments with your partner-

simply & effectively.

Are you ready to learn...

  • The 3 most common reasons you fight with your partner
  • Why the way we commonly fight in our intimate relationships DOESN’T work
  • How to end an argument and get your needs met- in 10 minutes or less!

Purchase now for only $11 and get INSTANT replay access for 30 days!

Meet the experts!

Timothy Lee Cordell (aka TLC)

COO, Institute for Trauma & Psychological Safety

Dr. Lee C. Cordell

CEO, Institute for Trauma & Psychological Safety

Who is this Masterclass for?

Couples who find themselves in the same arguments over and over, with no real resolution

Divorced & Separated couples who desire to co-parent effectively, with civility and respect.

Those who are single and want to understand how to approach communication in their future relationships in a healthier way

Anyone who wants to understand why we love who we love, and HOW we can communicate our needs with those we love the most!

Get to Know Your Teachers

Can we let you in on a secret?

TLC & Dr. Lee never planned to teach anyone about relationships.

In fact, they were too busy raising 3 babies, founding our Institute, & trying to improve their OWN marriage to think about helping others
to stop fighting, bring back the passion, and create intimacy and depth in their relationships.

But when they made it through the TOUGHEST rupture of their 20-year relationship, they knew they needed to share how they repaired with others.

The trauma-informed, healing-centered approach they'll teach you in Fight Right is what they personally used to become closer & hotter than ever...

PLUS, its what they used to help hundreds of their clients to experience the same.

Ready to Improve your Intimate Relationship, and fight RIGHT?

Join for $11 and get INSTANT replay access for 30 days!

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